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Mei Wu-Gehbauer


Email: m.wu-gehbauer@wiso.uni-koeln.de
Building: 411 (Pohligstraße 1)


Mei Wu-Gehbauer is a doctoral researcher at the Chair for Integrated Information Systems (Prof. Christoph Rosenkranz) at the University of Cologne. Her research focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) system development and human-AI collaboration. Her primary interest lies on studying how to design and develop AI-based systems from a socio-technical perspective, and how AI-based systems impact the way of work in organizations.
Mei holds a Master's degree in Information Systems from the University of Mannheim. Mei has extensive industry experience in leading AI and data analytics teams and driving large-scale AI transformation in organizations, thereby assuming responsibilities both in lead expert roles and management roles.


  • Wu-Gehbauer, M. & Rosenkranz, C. (2024). Towards a Framework for Developing Artificial Intelligence Systems for Human-Artificial Intelligence Augmentation. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
  • Wu-Gehbauer, M. & Rosenkranz, C., & Hennel, P. (2024). Understanding Cognition in the Development of Artificial Intelligence-based Systems: An Exploration of Cognitive Fit and Supporting Mechanisms. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

For more publications, please visit her Google Scholar


  • Capstone Project Information Systems (B.Sc.)