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Systems and Software Development

Systems engineering, software engineering and related research disciplines offer various development and management skills in the form of techniques, methods, approaches and paradigms for the development and management of information systems.

At our group, we develop a solid theoretical foundation for the development and management of information systems in the context of digitization, which is based on a stable empirical foundation. On the one hand, the influence of situational, organizational, human and social factors (e.g. communication and knowledge transfer) on the process of development and management is empirically investigated as well as the use of different development and management skills for different scenarios and application systems in these situations. Based on this, theoretical models are created that allow the process of development and management of information systems to be described and explained and profiles of development and management skills to be compared with the respective situation.

To this end, we conduct qualitative-explorative research into various practical situations using case study designs, for example. Building on this, causal and process models are developed and then tested quantitatively and statistically, e.g. through survey-based cross-sectional and panel studies as well as field and laboratory experiments. Recommendations for action derived from these models enable developers and managers to select the appropriate approaches for a given, context-specific situation from the range of existing development and management skills. They also provide the basis for the improvement of development and management methods, approaches and tools as well as the development of design theories within the framework of design-oriented research projects that are carried out with the involvement of practice partners.

Examples of Projects and Research Questions:

  • Agile IS Development Success: A Communication-based Model. Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Link
  • The Effect of Cultural Differences on Trust and Control: A Cross-Cultural Study on Information Technology Outsourcing Relationships. Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Link
  • How are AI-based systems developed in the interaction of developers, users, and the AI-based system to support tasks in an organizational context?
  • How does development of AI-based systems need to be structured and organized?
  • How and why do teams adapt their DevOps implementations?

Selected Publications:

  • Hennel, P., & Rosenkranz, C. (2021). Investigating the “Socio” in Socio-Technical Development: The Case for Psychological Safety in Agile Information Systems Development. Project Management Journal, 52(1), 11-30. Link

  • Recker, J., Holten, R., Hummel, M., & Rosenkranz, C. (2017). How Agile Practices Impact Customer Responsiveness and Development Success: A Field Study. Project Management Journal, 48(2), 99-121. Link

  • Rosenkranz, Christoph; Vranešić, Helena; and Holten, Roland (2014) "Boundary Interactions and Motors of Change in Requirements Elicitation: A Dynamic Perspective on Knowledge Sharing," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(6), .
    DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00364
    Available at: Link